Reviews Alcina Klagenfurt Stadttheater
« A playful and excellent singing ensemble contributes to the success.(...) in particular kiandra Howarth as the nuanced, radiant heroine and bryony Dwyer as the crystal-clear and flexible Morgana as well as Eleonore Pancrazi in the trouser role of the coloratura-assured Ruggiero stand out. »
« Eleonore Pancrazi in the trouser role of Ruggiero, enchanted by Alcina, and Feride Buyukdentas as his fiancée bradamante, disguised as a man, complete the quartet of strong female singers.(...) The motivated ensemble tells the story rich in manipulations and misunderstandings, with secure voices and joy of playing. »
Kleine Zeitung
« The ensemble is also excellent, some of which are known to the audience from previous productions: (...) Eleonore Pancrazi convinces in the trouser role of the ruggiero. »
Kleine Zeintung
« the six-member ensemble uses this to create sumptuously presented arias that move the audience to the well-deserved applause. »
Der Standard
« Eleonore Pancrazi convinces as Ruggiero in clear heights. »
Kronen Zeitung